High-altitude cooking requires special consideration:
- Low atmospheric pressure at high altitudes causes water to boil at:
201°F at 5281 feet 93.8°C at 1600 m
194°F at 10,000 feet 90°C at 3000 m
212°F at sea level 100°C at sea level
- The lower boiling point of water, at high altitudes means that it cannot get as hot before steaming; and this cooler water will prolong cooking baking. At 6000 feet (1800 m) 3-minute eggs will take five minutes. Water steams off (evaporates) more rapidly, at 6000 feet (1800 m) twice as much water should be used in a cookie recipe.
- Add water to boiling water as it will rapidly boil away.
- A 2-pound (0.91 kg) fish that takes 15 minutes at sea level will take 20 minutes at 5000 feet (1800 m)
- Dehydrated foods should be soaked for a longer time and cooked at a low temperature.